П.А. Лозовик, А.В. Рыжаков, А.В. Сабылина.
Процессы трансформации, круговорота и образования веществ в природных водах
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Водные проблемы Севера и пути их решения. 2011. C. 21-28
P.A. Lozovik, A.V. Ryzhakov, A.V. Sabylina. Processes of matter transformation, cycles and formation in natural waters // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Northern Water Problems. 2011. Pp. 21-28
Keywords: transformation, cycle, formation, production, destruction, organic matter, nutrients, natural waters.
Kinetic patterns in the transformation, cycle and formation of matter in natural water bodies are considered with Karelia as the example. We found that the transformation of organic substances, Nорг and Робщ, related to the assimilating capacity of the water bodies, proceeds at a much slower rate than the cycle of nitrogenous substances and productiondestruction processes. Labile organic matter was found to comprise carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, and lipids.