Е.П. Иешко, Д.И. Лебедева, Ю.Ю. Барская, Б.С. Шульман, И.Л. Щуров, В.А. Широков.
Особенности заражения молоди атлантического лосося при совместном паразитировании глохидий европейской жемчужницы и моногенеи Gyrodactylus Salaris Malmberg
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 10. 2010. C. 113-120
E.P. Ieshko, D.I. Lebedeva, Ju.Ju. Barskaja, B.S. Shulman, I.L. Schurov, V.A. Shirokov. Characteristics of juvenile atlantic salmon simultaneous infection with Margaritifera Margaritifera (l.) glochidia and the monogenean Gyrodactylus Salaris Malmberg // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2010. Pp. 113-120
Keywords: freshwater pearl mussel, glochidia, monogenea Gyrodactylus salaris, Atlantic salmon
Data on salmon infestation with Margaritifera margaritifera glochidia and Gyrodactylus salaris in the Keret River are presented. Both species demonstrate high infection intensity and prevalence. We also revealed a correlation between the size of the fish and the infestation intensity, as well as significant differences in the distribution of the parasite numbers in the host population. The abundance of one species did not influence the pattern of occurrence of the other one. The distinctions in the infection parameters are apparently due to differences in the timing of infestation and to specific temperature conditions at the time the parasites disperse in the juvenile salmon population.