Л.И. Иванова.
Лесной нос: архаические представления карелов о болезни и магические локусы ритуала исцеления
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. Вып. 3. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр, 2012. C. 68-73
L.I. Ivanova. The forest nose: archaic ideas of karelians about disease, and magical loci of the healing rite // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Humanitarian studies. Vol.3. 2012. Pp. 68-73
Keywords: forest nose (“lesnoi nos”), your own/ another world, the causes of the ailment (disease), the violation of tabus, sacral locus, a ritual of healing.
The Article is devoted to the archaic notions about the disease forest nose which was perceived by the Karelians as an alive creature. For the first time are investigated the views of the Karelians on the causes of the origin of this ailment. The principal among the causes is a violation of the tabus and the conditions of the communication with the spirits of the forest-owners, the wrong way and the incorrect goal of the penetration into the landscape of the “forest kingdom”. Due to this fact the rite and the main locus, where the ritual of healing is held (forest, tree, earth, road intersection, ant hill, bath-house (banya)), are considered.