Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies
Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies

Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies
Karelian Research Centre of RAS
ISSN (print): 1997-3217
ISSN (online): 2312-4504
Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies
Background Editorial committee Editorial Office For authors For reviewer Russian version
Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies

Electronic Journal OJS



Experimental Biology

Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies

Precambrian Geology

Ecological Studies

Limnology and Oceanology

Research in the Humanities (2010-2015)

Region: Economy and Management (2012-2015)



















Vladimir V. Mazalov, DSc, Prof., Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, KarRC RAS

Deputy Editor-in-Charge
Yury L. Pavlov, DSc, Prof., Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, KarRC RAS

Executive Secretary
Oleg V. Lukashenko, PhD, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, KarRC RAS

Editorial Board
Aleksandr N. Kirillov, DSc, Prof., Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, KarRC RAS;
Leon A. Petrosyan DSc, Prof., St. Petersburg State University;
Andrey V. Sokolov , DSc, Prof., Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, KarRC RAS;
Vladimir A. Vatutin, DSc, Prof., Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
Yury V. Zaika, DSc, Prof., Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, KarRC RAS.

The series "Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies" of the Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS publishes papers addressing problems of mathematical modeling and computer science which arise in applications.

The manuscript must satisfy the Instructions for Authors of the Transactions of KarRC RAS. Electronic versions of papers for the “Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies” series are to be submitted in the .tex (LaTex 2º) format using the style guidelines file (the style file with the example template.tex). The paper in .pdf format is uploaded to the journal website based on OJS. The source .tex file and the necessary images are uploaded in Step 4 (Uploading Supplementary Files).
Having received the manuscript, the editors assign a reference number to it (given that the basic manuscript guidelines are fulfilled), and forward it for peer review. Reviews are based on standard questionnaires, and may additionally contain extended comments. The reviewer may also add remarks and corrections to the text itself. The authors would receive an electronic version of the questionnaire and the reviewer's comments. The authors are to return the revised copy together with the initial copy and answers to all the reviewer's questions within a month after receiving the review. In the case the editorship does not receive the revised manuscript within 4 months, the registration is cancelled, and the paper is archived. Issues in the series will be compiled as papers are submitted. Publication of the papers will be in the order of submission. Out-of-turn publication is possible only if decided by the editor-in-charge. In the case of dispute, the manuscript shall be discussed at the meeting of the editorial board of the series. Before the issue is send to the press, the authors shall receive a print-out of the paper for proof-reading, to be then signed and returned to the editorial office.

Contact information
Oleg V. Lukashenko, PhD, Editorial Board Executive Secretary

The address for submission of manuscripts for the "Mathematical modeling and information technologies" series of the Transactions of KarRC RAS is:

Transactions of KarRC RAS Editorial Office
11 Pushkinskaya St.,
185910 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia



  1. 2010. 119 ñ. (in Russian)
  2. 2011. 142 ñ. (in Russian)
  3. 2012. 142 ñ. (in Russian)
  4. 2013. 140 ñ. (in Russian) (RSCI)
  5. 2014. 188 ñ. (in Russian)
  6. 2015. 158 ñ. (in Russian) (RSCI)
  7. 2016. 163 ñ. (in Russian) (RSCI)
  8. 2017 (in Russian) (RSCI)
  9. 2018 (in Russian) (RSCI)
  10. 2019 (in Russian) (RSCI)
  11. 2020 (in Russian) (RSCI)
  12. 2021 (in Russian) (RSCI)
  13. 2022 (in Russian) (RSCI)
  14. 2023 (in Russian) (RSCI)
  15. 2024 (in Russian) (RSCI)


  Last modified: February 8, 2023