А.И. Шишкин.
Модернизация общества в контексте управления социально-экономическими процессами
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Регион: экономика и управление. 2012. C. 5-10
A.I. Shishkin. Modernization of the society in the context of socio-economic management // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Region: Economy and Management. 2012. Pp. 5-10
Keywords: modernization, reformation, catching up development, philosophy of instability, time cycles, productive optimism, tyrannies, ethics, capitalism, postindustrial society, duality of the government behaviour
By scrutinizing the history of processes that have taken place in Russia one can identify their distinctive characteristics and major difficulties at all developmental stages, and try to assess the effectiveness of the ongoing modernization processes at the interface of the two millennia. The approach based on the probability of economic processes within certain state systems and growing complexity has let the author substantiate the need to form the civil society as the ground for efficient partnership between the state, business and people.