Ю.В. Савельев, А.Ф. Титов.
Трансформация государства и общества: системная модель модернизации как основа стратегии развития России
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Регион: экономика и управление. 2012. C. 11-18
Yu. V. Saveliev, A. F. Titov. Transformation of state and society: system model of modernization as the base of strategy development of Russia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Region: Economy and Management. 2012. Pp. 11-18
Keywords: modernization, system model, long-term strategy of Russia
Essence, maintenance and structure of system modernization model of Russian's state and society, suggest and opens up in the article. Basic directions of modernization strategy of Russia are considered in a long-term period. The stages of process of modernization are selected and presented specific suggestion and recommendation for perfection of basic directions of public economic, scientific and technical, tax and spatial policy.