А.В. Васильева.
Разработка стратегии развития культурно-исторической дестинации
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Регион: экономика и управление. 2012. C. 200-203
A.V. Vasil’yeva. Development strategy creation for cultural and historical destination // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Region: Economy and Management. 2012. Pp. 200-203
Keywords: development strategy, destination, destination model, tourism development planning
Destinations inscribed into regional tourism development planning system need for strategic development documents. The review of destination definition approaches in modern Russian and international practice makes it possible to define destination characteristics. Marked specific affects on destinations management and development planning. This paper presents a «Kizhi» destination model and distinguishes steps of destination development strategy associated with the idea of harmonious tourism activities and infrastructure development of the territory.