Н.С. Репкина, В.В. Таланова, А.Ф. Титов.
Влияние тяжелых металлов на экспрессию генов у растений
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2013. C. 31-45
N.S. Repkina, V.V. Talanova, A.F. Titov. Effects of heavy metals on gene expression in plants // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2013. Pp. 31-45
Keywords: heavy metals, signaling, gene expression, mechanisms of metal resistance
The review summarizes data from the literature on the effect of heavy metals on the expression of regulatory and structural genes related to the metal resistance of plants. We consider the regulation of the synthesis of proteins directly involved in the mechanisms of plant adaptation to heavy metal impact at the transcription and post-transcription levels. Latest data on the gene signaling and expression of transporter proteins, proteins and peptides involved in the mechanisms of heavy metal detoxification, as well as in nonspecific adaptive responses of plants are discussed.
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