Т.А. Кодолова, А.И. Шишкин.
Методические аспекты повышения эффективности разработки и реализации планов управления объектами всемирного наследия в регионах России
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Регион: экономика и управление. 2013. C. 156-165
T.A. Kodolova, A.I. Shishkin. Methodological aspects of enhancing the efficiency of development of management plans for world heritage sites in Russia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Region: Economy and Management. 2013. Pp. 156-165
Keywords: World Heritage Site management plan, outstanding universal value, regional planning and development
The paper presents the main guidelines for the development and implementation of management plans for World Cultural Heritage sites in the Russian Federation through the example of the "Management Plan for the World Heritage Site "Kizhi Pogost" ensemble (Russia C 544), 2012–2022". World Heritage Sites in most regions of Russia do not have management plans in the UNESCO context; their protection, conservation, and management are an economic burden for local administrations. The scientifically grounded World Heritage Site management plan is a tool that helps relieve this burden and turn the heritage site into an actor in local and regional development.