Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Экологические исследования
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2013. 196 с.
Indexed at RSCI
I.A. Lavrinenko, O.V. Lavrinenko. The impact of climate change on the plant cover of the Barents sea islands | 4 |
G.F. Laidinen, L.I. Gruzdeva, A.F. Titov, N.M. Kaznina, Y.V. Batova, А.А. Sushchuk. The state of herbaceous vegetation and nematode communities under industrial pollution | 17 |
Predtechenskaya O.O., Ruokolainen A.V. The structure of the macrofungi biota at early stages of the post-felling succession | 27 |
I.B. Kucherov. Types of changes in the percent cover of ground layer plants in scots pine forests of northern and middle taiga in European Russia along climatic factor gradients | 38 |
N.A. Berezina, Y.I. Gubelit, L.V. Zhakova, T.M. Timakova, V.A. Petukhov, A.N. Sharov. Structural characteristics of biotic communities of the Vygozerskoe reservoir littoral zone | 52 |
T.P. Kulikova. The state of knowledge on zooplankton in water bodies of the Republic of Karelia | 63 |
Т.S. Shelekhova, N.V. Krutskikh. Geochemical characteristics and composition of the diatom complexes of bottom sediments in the shuya river (Russian Karelia) | 76 |
S.F. Komulainen. Effects of current velocity on phytoperiphyton structure, distribution and succession in rivers | 91 |
T.A. Efremova, A.V. Sabylina, P.A. Lozovik. Labile organic matter (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) in Lake Onega | 96 |
E.A. Borovikova, A.A. Makhrov. Taxonomy and origin of whitefish and ciscoes (Coregonus) in Europe: a morphoecological approach | 105 |
E.V. Ivanter, I.A. Leontiev. On the study of the reproduction and ecological structure of the field vole (Microtus agrestis L.) population in Karelia | 116 |
M.A. Orlova. Elementary unit of the forest biogeocenotic cover for investigation of forest ecosystem functions | 126 |
M.V. Slukovskaya, L.A. Ivanova, T.T. Gorbacheva, S.V. Drogobuzhskaya, E.S. Inozemtseva, E.F. Markovskaya. Changes in the properties of industrially wasted ground upon the application of carbonatite ameliorant in the copper-nickel smelter impact area | 133 |
Fedorets N.G., Solodovnikov A.N. Impact of the Kostomuksha mining and processing plant emissions on the forest litters in pine forests of the northern taiga subzone of Karelia | 143 |
Short communications | 153 |
V.G. Storozhenko. The condition and scope of damage by wood-attacking fungi in north taiga pristine spruce forests | 153 |
E.V. Shorohova. Relationship between characteristics of scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. coenotic population structure in northern boreal pine stands in Karelia | 159 |
Karpechko A.Yu. Changes in period-averaged diameter increment and correlations between root mass and aboveground mass in a stand upon thinning | 167 |
Research methods | 171 |
S.A. Kutenkov. Korpi software for plotting stratigraphic diagrams of peat composition | 171 |
Chronicle | 177 |
Kuznetsov O.L., Bakhmet O.N. International scientificpractical conference «Green belt of Fennoscandia»(Petrozavodsk, October 7–12, 2013) | 177 |
Dates and anniversaries | 181 |
A.N. Kruglova. Olga Pavlovna Sterligova (on the 70th anniversary) | 181 |
Reviews and bibliography | 185 |
Рецензия на «Д. С. Рыбаков, Н. В. Крутских, Т. С. Шелехова, Н. Б. Лаврова, З. И. Слуковский, М. В. Кричевцова, О. В. Лазарева. Климатические и геохимические аспекты формирования экологических рисков в Республике Карелия / Отв. ред. А. В. Яблоков. СПб.: Изд-во ООО «ЭлекСис», 2013. 130 с. Ил. 36. Табл. 17. Библ. 124.» | 185 |
Рецензия на «Сельговые ландшафты Заонежского полуострова: природные особенности, история освоения и сохранение / Науч. ред. А. Н. Громцев. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2013. 180 с. » | 185 |
Bereavements | 187 |
A.V. Artemyev, N.V. Lapshin. In memory of Vladimir B. Zimin (1937–2012) | 187 |