Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Scientific publications
Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Scientific publications

Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Scientific publications
Karelian Research Centre of RAS
ISSN (print): 1997-3217
ISSN (online): 2312-4504
Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Scientific publications
Background Editorial committee Editorial Office For authors For reviewer Russian version
Transactions of KarRC RAS :: Scientific publications

Electronic Journal OJS



Experimental Biology

Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies

Precambrian Geology

Ecological Studies

Limnology and Oceanology

Research in the Humanities (2010-2015)

Region: Economy and Management (2012-2015)



















Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Экологические исследования
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2013. 196 с.
Indexed at RSCI

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Articles in journal:

I.A. Lavrinenko, O.V. Lavrinenko. The impact of climate change on the plant cover of the Barents sea islands4
G.F. Laidinen, L.I. Gruzdeva, A.F. Titov, N.M. Kaznina, Y.V. Batova, А.А. Sushchuk. The state of herbaceous vegetation and nematode communities under industrial pollution17
Predtechenskaya O.O., Ruokolainen A.V. The structure of the macrofungi biota at early stages of the post-felling succession27
I.B. Kucherov. Types of changes in the percent cover of ground layer plants in scots pine forests of northern and middle taiga in European Russia along climatic factor gradients38
N.A. Berezina, Y.I. Gubelit, L.V. Zhakova, T.M. Timakova, V.A. Petukhov, A.N. Sharov. Structural characteristics of biotic communities of the Vygozerskoe reservoir littoral zone52
T.P. Kulikova. The state of knowledge on zooplankton in water bodies of the Republic of Karelia63
Т.S. Shelekhova, N.V. Krutskikh. Geochemical characteristics and composition of the diatom complexes of bottom sediments in the shuya river (Russian Karelia)76
S.F. Komulainen. Effects of current velocity on phytoperiphyton structure, distribution and succession in rivers91
T.A. Efremova, A.V. Sabylina, P.A. Lozovik. Labile organic matter (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) in Lake Onega96
E.A. Borovikova, A.A. Makhrov. Taxonomy and origin of whitefish and ciscoes (Coregonus) in Europe: a morphoecological approach105
E.V. Ivanter, I.A. Leontiev. On the study of the reproduction and ecological structure of the field vole (Microtus agrestis L.) population in Karelia116
M.A. Orlova. Elementary unit of the forest biogeocenotic cover for investigation of forest ecosystem functions126
M.V. Slukovskaya, L.A. Ivanova, T.T. Gorbacheva, S.V. Drogobuzhskaya, E.S. Inozemtseva, E.F. Markovskaya. Changes in the properties of industrially wasted ground upon the application of carbonatite ameliorant in the copper-nickel smelter impact area133
Fedorets N.G., Solodovnikov A.N. Impact of the Kostomuksha mining and processing plant emissions on the forest litters in pine forests of the northern taiga subzone of Karelia143
Short communications153
V.G. Storozhenko. The condition and scope of damage by wood-attacking fungi in north taiga pristine spruce forests153
E.V. Shorohova. Relationship between characteristics of scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. coenotic population structure in northern boreal pine stands in Karelia159
Karpechko A.Yu. Changes in period-averaged diameter increment and correlations between root mass and aboveground mass in a stand upon thinning167
Research methods171
S.A. Kutenkov. Korpi software for plotting stratigraphic diagrams of peat composition171
Kuznetsov O.L., Bakhmet O.N. International scientificpractical conference «Green belt of Fennoscandia»(Petrozavodsk, October 7–12, 2013)177
Dates and anniversaries181
A.N. Kruglova. Olga Pavlovna Sterligova (on the 70th anniversary)181
Reviews and bibliography185
Рецензия на «Д. С. Рыбаков, Н. В. Крутских, Т. С. Шелехова, Н. Б. Лаврова, З. И. Слуковский, М. В. Кричевцова, О. В. Лазарева. Климатические и геохимические аспекты формирования экологических рисков в Республике Карелия / Отв. ред. А. В. Яблоков. СПб.: Изд-во ООО «ЭлекСис», 2013. 130 с. Ил. 36. Табл. 17. Библ. 124.»185
Рецензия на «Сельговые ландшафты Заонежского полуострова: природные особенности, история освоения и сохранение / Науч. ред. А. Н. Громцев. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2013. 180 с. »185
A.V. Artemyev, N.V. Lapshin. In memory of Vladimir B. Zimin (1937–2012)187

  Last modified: April 19, 2016