В.С. Куликов, В.В. Куликова.
Куолаярвинский синклинорий: новый взгляд на геологическое строение и сводный разрез
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Геология Докембрия. 2014. C. 28-38
V.S. Kulikov, V.V. Kulikova. Kuolajarvi synclinorium: a new concept of geological structure and composite section // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Precambrian geology Series. 2014. Pp. 28-38
Keywords: Fennoscandia, Paleoproterozoic, Pana-Kuolajarvi megasynclinorium, stratigraphy, Jatulian, Ludicovian, tectonic structures, correlation.
The stratigraphy and tectonics of the Pana-Kuolajarvi megasynclinorium, one of the most essential Paleoproterozoic structures in the Fennoscandian Shield, are discussed. It was formed at the jointing of three large shield domains: the Belomorian Mobile Belt, the Karelian Craton and the Central Lapland scarp of the Svecofennian Province. Our tectonic reconstructions are based on: 1) the field studies conducted by V. S. Kulikov in the eastern part of the megasynclinorium, 2) revision of some of the views on the structure of the western Kuolajarvi synclinorium (KS) shared by Finnish geologists and 3) analysis of the available literature on the geology of this area. Structurally, KS is arbitrarily subdivided into the Eastern (Russian), Central (border) and Western (Finnish) units. The newly identified Rohmoiva Volcano occupies a special position in the Central unit. The Paleoproterozoic suites and formations of the Eastern and Western units of KS were correlated. A new version of a 1:500 000 scale geological map of KS and a near-E-W geological cross-section, extending from Salla, Finland, across Mount Rohmoiva to Lake Aapajarvi, Russia, were made on the basis of this correlation.