Л.В. Кулешевич, А.В. Дмитриева.
Геохимические особенности и золоторудная минерализация позднеархейского диорит-гранит-порфирового комплекса таловейс (Костомукшская структура, Карелия)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Геология Докембрия. 2014. C. 63-75
L.V. Kuleshevich, A.V. Dmitrieva. Geochemical characteristics and gold mineralization of the late archaean taloveis diorite granite porphyry complex, Kostomuksha structure, Karelia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Precambrian geology Series. 2014. Pp. 63-75
Keywords: Diorite-granite-porphyry complex, Taloveis, geochemical characteristics, gold, Precambrian.
The authors discuss the petrochemical composition and metallogenic (ore-geochemical) specialization of the Taloveis diorite-granite-porphyry complex, ore mineralization and perspective for gold in a Precambrian greenstone belt (Kostomuksha structure) located in Northwest Karelia.