В.Н. Кожевников, В.А. Земцов.
Гидротермальные цирконы из рудных амфиболитов массива Травяная Губа, Северная Карелия
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Геология Докембрия. 2014. C. 76-89
V.N. Kozhevnikov, V.А. Zemtsov. Hydrothermal zircons from ore amphibolites of the Travyanaya Guba massif, North Karelia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Precambrian geology Series. 2014. Pp. 76-89
Keywords: ore amphibolites, multi_element geochemistry of hydrothermal zircons, correlation, mineral inclusions, Travyanaya Guba massif.
Hydrothermal zircons from ore_bearing (PGE, Au) amphibolites of the Travyanaya Guba massif located at the Belomorian mobile belt, were studied for the first time in the region by local methods. Having studied solid mineral inclusions in zircons and hornblende, and the content of trace elements in zircons, with subsequent statistical analysis we identified associations in the groups of elements with REE and with gold deposited together with PGE. Two amphibole and hydrothermal zircon assemblages formed through a long hydrothermal process. Multi_phase inclusions of complex Pd and Pt compounds are encountered in a late lower_temperature generation of coarse amphibole with which coarse hydrothermal zircon grains are associated. At the end of the hydrothermal process, accompanied by the addition of non_formula elements (Fe, Al, Ca, Na, etc.), the structure of the correlations of Au with other trace elements changed radically. Subsequent isotopic dating of zircons is expected to resolve a debatable problem – the age of the hydrothermal ore process and the Travyanaya Guba massif itself.