И.Б. Кучеров.
Зеленомошные (черничные) сосняки средней и северной тайги Европейской России: обзор ценотического разнообразия
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Биогеография. 2014. C. 14-26
I.B. Kucherov. Feathermoss (whortleberry) pine forests in northern and middle taiga of European Russia: an overview of phytocoenotic diversity // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Biogeography. 2014. Pp. 14-26
Keywords: Pinus sylvestris, feathermoss Scots pine forests, syntaxonomy, middle taiga, northern taiga, European Russia.
Field survey of 1996–2010 in northern and middle taiga of European Russia and application of the dominantfloristic approach to vegetation resulted in identification of 6 syntaxa of feathermoss Scots pine forests, including two associations with five subassociations and 5 variants. The associations are Myrtillo Pinetum (P.) in the middleboreal and Empetro Myrtillo P. in the northernboreal forest subzones, respectively. The first unit comprises 3 subassociations, namely vaccinietosum with lichens (on coarse sand, transitional to VaccinioP. and probably pyrogenic), calamagrostietosum arundinaceae with herb species (mainly southboreal, found also on loamy sand), and typicum (midboreal, on nutrientpoor sand). The 2 subassociations of the northernboreal unit are linnaetosum on silicate rock outcrops and typicum with 2 variants. The western one occurs throughout the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, and the Onega River region. The eastern variant with Equisetum sylvaticum is found in the Northern Dvina and Pechora River basins. It features the onset of paludification, especially on soils with higher content of fine earth.