А.Е. Загребин.
Этнографическое финно-угроведение в России: динамика научных идей и знаний
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. 2014. C. 3-8
A.E. Zagrebin. Ethnographic finnougric studies in Russia: the evolution of scientific ideas and knowledge // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Humanitarian studies. 2014. Pp. 3-8
Keywords: Finno-Ugric peoples, ethnography, the ‘SOFIN’ case, authority, scientific centers of Finno-Ugric studies
The article is devoted to the history of studying the ethnography of Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia in historical retrospective. The search for the Ural ancestral home of the Finns and the Hungarians was linked with the regional interests of the emerging Finno-Ugric intelligentsia in Russia, influencing the identity and ethnicity of Uralic nations. The dynamics of scientific activity and the facts of research continuity in the field of ethnographic Finno-Ugric studies are demonstrated.