И.Ю. Винокурова.
Вепсские мифологические персонажи, связанные с земледелием: этнокультурные истоки и генезис
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. 2014. C. 33-42
I.Yu. Vinokurova. Vepsian mythological characters associated with horticulture: the ethnocultural sources and genesis // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Humanitarian studies. 2014. Pp. 33-42
Keywords: Veps, horticulture, Vepsian mythology, religion, beliefs, rituals, agrarian cults
The issue of emergence and evolution of Vepsian agrarian cults is investigated. The conclusion drawn is that minor, locally variable agrarian cults still existed in Vepsian territory in the late 19th – first third of the 20th century, and their objects were chthonic and terrestrial mythological characters and Christian saints. A comparative historical analysis of these images revealed their different ethnocultural sources. Some of them were of substrate (common Finno-Ugric) origin, others were Vepsian proper, and a third group were the borrowings adopted into the Vepsian milieu through contacts with ancient Balts or Russians at different times in the history and in the course of Christianization. Some distinctive features were detected also in some agrarian cults: strict division of horticultural patronage functions between underground and terrestrial mythological characters; emergence of a male chthonic character alongside with the female one; primacy of thunder among celestial objects, with not only the sky but also bread crops placed under the patronage of the ‘thunderer’ deity (or a Christian saint later on), etc.