П. Вереш.
Этиологический миф обских угров: происхождение фратриальной организации и модель мира
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. 2014. C. 43-52
P. Veres. The etiological myth of obugrians on the origins of phratrial organization, and their world model // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Humanitarian studies. 2014. Pp. 43-52
Keywords: etiological myth, Khanty, Mansi, substrate, gene
The binary opposition “raw vs. cooked” in the ritual meal in the Por and Mos phratries of the Khanty and northern Mansi peoples is not based on any actual cultural differences, as Academician J. Harmatta and Professor D. Laslo, who were unfamiliar with the specialized literature in the Russian language on Finno.Ugric and ethno.semiotic studies, used to believe. Studying the etymology of the Mos phratry name and the Mansi ethnonym it turned out however that the dual phratrial organization of Ob.Ugrians did appear under the influence of the ethnic mixing based on two different “nations” – local Uralians and non.native Ugrians. In the course of language integration, the distinct ethnic groups turned into a marital class for each other. The Old Ugric protoform Mos < *mańć3 is the original stem of the ethnonyms of not only Mansi, but also of Hungarians, more specifically a verbal noun with the Finno.Ugric or Uralic, or even Nostratic stem that is semantically linked with the words “say, speak”. The Ugric protoform PFU *mańć3 could not have been borrowed from an Indo.Iranian source, as one had thought for a hundred years, but originally had the meaning of “say, speak” and, simultaneously, “saga, tale, myth, legend”.