А.О. Муравьев.
Влияние конспиративной поездки О. В. Куусинена в Финляндию в 1919 г. на поиск новых форм политической борьбы финской компартии
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. 2014. C. 141-145
A.O. Murav’yov. The effect of O. W. Kuusinen's secret journey to Finland in 1919 on the pursuit of new forms of political struggle by the Finnish Communist Party // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Humanitarian studies. 2014. Pp. 141-145
Keywords: Finnish Communist Party, labor movement, O. W. Kuusinen, underground activity
The article examines one of the episodes in the history of the Finnish Communist Party (FCP). In 1919, O. W. Kuusinen and J. Luomivuokko were sent to Finland to organize there an underground network of communists. They found that the circumstances of the political life had changed significantly since the time the Reds’ leaders had left Finland. Therefore, O. W. Kuusinen and his colleges suggested a fundamentally new approach to the tactics of the Finnish Communist Party. A combination of legal and illegal methods was proposed as the main political line of FCP. Finnish communist colleagues in Moscow did not accept these ideas because they saw them as a comeback of the social.democratic tradition. The antagonisms between Finns in Moscow and Finnish communists who worked in Finland were very acute. A change in the political line of the Comintern and support from the government of Soviet Russia gave a new life to Kuusinen’s concept.