Л.В. Топчиева, О.М. Федоренко.
Методические подходы для изучения молекулярных механизмов адаптации популяций
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2014. C. 30-43
L.V. Topchieva, O.M. Fedorenko. Methodological approaches to studying the molecular mechanisms of adaptation in populations // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Experimental biology. 2014. Pp. 30-43
Keywords: adaptation, populations, genotype, phenotype, gene expression, epigenetic mechanisms, DNA methylation.
The review is devoted to the modern approaches and methods used to study the molecular basis of adaptation in populations. The modern concepts of population adaptation and basic approaches to the selection of candidate genes involved in this process are discussed. Molecular genetic methods used to study the role of mutations and epigenetic mechanisms in adaptations of organisms and populations are considered.