А.С. Горюнов, А.Г. Борисова.
Возможный механизм автоокисления гемоглобина в водных дисперсиях углеродных наноматериалов
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2014. C. 71-75
A.S. Goryunov, A.G. Borisova. Probable mechanism of haemoglobin autoxidation in water dispersions of carbon-based nanomaterials // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Experimental biology. 2014. Pp. 71-75
Keywords: haemoglobin, autoxidation, fullerene, shungite nanocarbon.
The effects of fulleren С60 and shungite carbon water nanodispersions on human haemoglobin autooxidation in vitro have been examined. No effect of dispersion pH on the concentration-dependent ferrous heme oxidation in haemoglobin caused by fulleren С60 and shungite nanocarbon has been revealed. Heme proteins autooxidation pathways consideration has shown that the most probable mechanism of С60 60 and shungite carbon effect on the haemoglobin autooxidation process is determined by their electron-acceptor capacity and involves a pH-independent transfer of an electron from a deoxyheme to an O2 molecule, but not the dissociation of superoxide-anion.