Н.С. Репкина, В.В. Таланова, А.Ф. Титов, И.В. Букарева.
Реакция растений пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) на раздельное и совместное действие низкой температуры и кадмия
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2014. C. 133-139
N.S. Repkina, V.V. Talanova, A.F. Titov, I.V. Bukareva. Wheat response to separate and combined impact of low temperature and cadmium // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Experimental biology. 2014. Pp. 133-139
Keywords: low temperature, cadmium, growth, permeability of cell membranes.
In the present study, the response of wheat to the effect of low temperature, cadmium sulphate and their combined effect was investigated. The results showed that the lower the temperature wheat is exposed to (4–12 °С) and the higher the concentration of cadmium sulphate (100–2000 μМ), the more negative their effect on growth processes is. In the first period (1–3 days) a combined influence of low temperature (4 °С) and cadmium sulphate (100 μМ) did not lead to a greater inhibition of the seedling growth in comparison with the low temperature impact alone, whereas a longer combined influence of low temperature and cadmium sulphate caused partial summation of their negative effects. Neither separate nor combined effects of the two environmental factors led to a full stop of the seedlings growth or to significant changes in electrolуte leakage from leaf cells. Together, the above results clearly indicate an activation of adaptation to the influence of the studied stress factors.
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