В.В. Лаврова, Е.Н. Икконен, Е.М. Матвеева, М.И. Сысоева.
Реакция устьичного аппарата растений картофеля на действие кратковременных ежесуточных снижений температуры и заражение фитопаразитической нематодой
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2014. C. 163-166
V.V. Lavrova, E.N. Ikkonen, E.M. Matveeva, M.I. Sysoeva. The response of the stomatal apparatus of potato plants to daily shortterm temperature drops and nematode infestation // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Experimental biology. 2014. Pp. 163-166
Keywords: Solanum tuberosum L., potato cyst nematode, short-term temperature drop, stomatal conductance.
The effects of daily short.term temperature drops (DROP) on the stomatal conductance in the leaves of nematode-infected potato plants have been studied. Nematode-infected plants are characterized by low stomatal conductance and transpiration of leaves. Pretreatment of potato plants by daily short-term temperature drops helped maintain the performance of the stomatal apparatus during nematode invasion, indicating an alleviation of the negative effects of nematode infection on the plants.