Сазонов С.В.
Орнитофауна таежных ландшафтов Зеленого пояса Фенноскандии и ее зоогеографический анализ
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Зеленый пояс Фенноскандии. 2014. C. 96-115
Sazonov S.V. Avifauna of taiga landscapes of the Green Belt and its zoogeographic analysis // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Green Belt of Fennoscandia. 2014. Pp. 96-115
Keywords: border forest belt, local avifauna, geographical variation, density of bird population, zoogeographical zoning.
Zonal-landscape changes are analyzed as a part of the avifauna of the border forest belt between Russia and Finland along a latitudinal gradient from 61° to 69° N. Six zonal zoogeographic boundaries, coinciding with the bioclimatic zones of growing degree days above 10 °С (700, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800°), were detected. Zonal alterations in the avifauna composition in general clearly replicate the main bioclimatic and zonal plant formation trends. With the exception of the southern half of taiga transition band (latitude 63–64° N.), where a peculiar zoogeographic hiatus (gap), accompanied by the impoverishment of local fauna species diversity and the reduction in the total density of bird population, was noted. Many southern and western species do not get so far away, while the northern and eastern forms either do not occur here yet, or do not reach a high nesting density. A comparison of geographical variations of fauna and geozoological parameters trends does not show an exact match, but it indicates an explicit parallelism. Based on the research results, the zoogeographical division of the taiga in Eastern Fennoscandia was specified.