Г.А. Яковлева, Д.И. Лебедева, Е.П. Иешко.
Трематоды водно-болотных птиц Карелии (по материалам 319-й союзной гельминтологической экспедиции 1958–1962 годов)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Экологические исследования. 2015. C. 95-110
Keywords: fauna; Trematoda; wetland birds; 319th USSR Helminthological Expedition; Karelia.
In 1958–1962 the 319th USSR Helminthological Expedition was implemented in Karelia during the summer-autumn period. 34 Trematoda species were found in 119 wetland bird specimens collected. The highest diversity was demonstrated by the families Diplostomidae (10 species) and Echinostomatidae (7). Sixteen and 7 trematode species were registered for the first time in Karelian territory and in the European North of Russia, respectively. The largest number of trematode species was found in Larus fuscus (13 species) and Anas platyrhynchos (8).