Н.Н. Филатов, А.Ю. Тержевик.
Совместный российско-швейцарcкий проект по исследованию зимнего режима Ладожского и Онежского озер
Keywords: Lakes Ladoga and Onego, multifaceted interdisciplinary studies
The proposed project focuses on the study of the wintertime dynamics of the System of Great European lakes (case study Lake Ladoga). The System of the Great European Lakes (Ladoga and Onego) are important resources for drinking water, transport (Baltic Sea to White Sea and Caspian Sea), energy, use of biological resources and recreation. It is primarily conceived as a synthesis of multifaceted interdisciplinary studies to be conducted by a team of experts from Russia and Switzerland and France, Germany, Sweden. It will be conducted essential studies because of the present lack of knowledge of processes under the ice and functioning of the lake’s ecosystem during the 5-7 month period (November - May) from freeze-up to ice break-up.
The results will have direct practical implications with respect to lake management for estimating possible transport paths of water pollution and to determine the optimal location of drinking water intakes for St.-Petersburg, Sortavala and other towns on the shores of Lake Ladoga.