А.М. Пыстин, Ю.И. Пыстина.
Архейско-палеопротерозойская история метаморфизма пород Уральского сегмента земной коры
Keywords: the Ural Paleocontinental Zone; polymetamorphic complex; granulite; eclogite
In the Urals, Archean and Paleoproterozoic formations were found in several polymetamorphic complexes which crop out as relatively small tectonic blocks (within the first thousands sq. km in area). It is most likely that the rocks forming the polymetamorphic complexes located within the paleocontinental Ural area extending to the west of the Main Uralian Fault belong to the Archean-Paleoproterozoic section. These complexes are interpreted as fragments of the crystalline basement of the Ural part of the East European Craton, which are included in the structure of the Uralides. Two stages of the granulite facies metamorphism - earlier Neoarchean and later Paleoproterozoic - were established in the rocks of the polymetamorphic complexes in the paleocontinental (and partially paleooceanic) Ural region. High-pressure mineral parageneses are the products of the earliest endogenous rock transformational processes in eclogite-bearing complexes, where high-pressure metamorphism is apparently complementary to the Paleoproterozoic granulite metamorphism.