Н.Ю. Энатская.
О числе инверсий в исходах схемы перестановок и их анализ с фиксированным числом инверсий
Keywords: enumeration of outcomes; permutation scheme; recurrence; number of inversions; modelling
The numerical method of calculation of inversions in permutations uses themethod of graph theory. As the result we colculate the recurrence for colculation of the numbers of inversions with the use of the bunchs of graphs and finding the probability distribution of the number of inversions with the increes of the size of the permutanion. The scheme definded in its name is investigated by asiding some outcomes of the similar scheme without restriction. The number of outcomes of the scheme is obtained, the direct enumeration is fulfiled, thier probability distribution is finded the problem of their numeration is solved and the scheme suggested.
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