О.Ю. Беспятых, Н.В. Пронина, О.Н. Сухих, А.Е. Кокорина.
Стимуляция репродуктивной функции самок и самцов пушных зверей
Keywords: fur animals, mink, fox, arctic fox, stimulation, reproductive function, lignohumate
In the Kirov region the effect of humic drug Lignohumate on reproduction of fur animals when administered in the diet was studied. Lignohumate to increases the number of registered puppies at 0.8 head when included in the diet of female mink during the month before estrus, to increases the number of successfully whelp females and their fertility, the number of registered puppies 0.7-1.5 head when included in the diet of female mink during the month before estrus and during the second half of pregnancy. The drug reduces the number produsa and disadvantaged females foxes give birth to 3-4 times, increase the number of successfully whelp females foxes 16-17%, the safety of puppies by 19% and the number of registered puppies at 0.8-1.5 head. Lignohumate has a negative impact on the reproductive function of young females arctic fox (aged up to one year) and a positive effect on the reproductive function of older females arctic fox (aged 2-4 years). At last he increased the number of successfully whelp females by 8% and fertility by 31 %. The drug increases the reproductive function in male mink and fox, as per female increases the number of registered puppies at 0.5-1.5 head. Thus, Lignohumate stimulates the reproductive function of females fur animals when administered in the diet during the month before estrus and during the second half of pregnancy in a dose of 0.3 ml/kg of body weight, and reproductive function of males when administered in the diet during the month before estrus in the same dose. The exception is young female arctic fox.
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