С.В. Бугмырин, Л.А. Беспятова, Н.Ю. Котовский, Е.П. Иешко.
Видовой состав и численность иксодовых клещей (Acari: Ixodidae) в г. Петрозаводске (Республика Карелия, Россия)
Keywords: Ixodes persulcatus; I. ricinus; abundance; urban area; monitoring
The aim was to study the species composition, abundances and distribution of ixodid ticks in the City of Petrozavodsk. Samples were collected in May–September, 2006–2014 using two methods simultaneously: by flagging from vegetation and by collection from dogs. In addition, 47 tick specimens were provided by veterinary clinics based in Petrozavodsk. Records from the entire study period include three tick species: Dermacentor marginatus, Ixodes persulcatus and Ixodes ricinus. A substantial share in the samples belonged to Ixodes persulcatus – 344 specimens. I. ricinus (5 females) was identified only in the material coming from veterinary clinics. The only female D. marginatus was obtained from a dog from a route through the central part of the city. Samples collected by flagging contained only I. persulcatus, its relative abundance along the control transect (Botanical Garden, suburbs) ranging within 0.9–22 specimens per flag-km. I. persulcatus abundance within city limits was low (<1 tick per flag-km), all ticks collected by flagging being singular findings from peripheral areas adjoining natural habitats. The number of ticks recovered from dogs was much higher than the number of specimens collected by standard techniques, and the ticks were collected from relatively isolated, centrally located parks.
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