А.И. Максимов, Т.А. Максимова.
Материалы к флоре листостебельных мхов планируемого природного парка "Кожозерский" (Архангельская область)
// Биогеография Карелии. Труды КарНЦ РАН. Серия "Биология". Выпуск 7. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 181-193
A.I. Maksimov, I.A. Maksimova. On the moss flora of the proposed "Kozhozero" Nature Park (Arkhangelsk region) // Biogeography of Karelia. Proceedings of KarRC RAS. Series "Biology". Issue 7. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2005. Pp. 181-193
A total of 151 mosses of 74 genera and 31 families were recorded from the planned Kozhozero Nature Park. Nine species are new for the Arkhangelsk region and 24 – for the Southern floristic district. Four western species (Heterocladium dimorphum, Isothecium alopecuroides, I. myosuroides, Sphagnum quinquefarium), were found near the western border of the nature park. These species were absent or rare in the eastern part of the region. In the Nature Park 22 rare moss species were found, Neckera pennata being included to the Read Data Book of Eastern Fennoscandia.