И.Ю. Адамович, С.Н. Шлапакова.
Особенности микотрофности Pinus sylvestris L. в насаждениях, поврежденных Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref
Keywords: mycotrophic; ectomycorrhiza; exposure rate, oppression; stimulation
Research of anatomical and morphological indicators of mycorrhizal seedlings Quercus robur L. was conducted on 8 test areas both at relatively pure plantations in the territory of training-experimental forestry of the Bryansk region, and in conditions of chronic pollution with radionuclides in the Krasnogorsk forestry.
All mycorrizal we investigated releted to ectomycorrhiza (or to ectotrophic mycorrhiza of trees and bushes) and have typical for this type of mycorrhiza anatomical structure. Reporded plektenhimatous (subtype B, C, D, A), pseudoparenchymatous (subtype F, H, I), double (subtype N, P) and unstructured (subtype S) types of mycorrhiza. Mycorrhizae with plektenhimatous and pseudoparenchymatous types of fungal sheath recorded on all plots, that allowed us to trace the changes in anatomical and morphological indicators at different levels of pollution.
With increasing exposure rate of 120 to 600 mR / h on the surface of the soil some anatomical parameters of mycorrhiza, are statistically authentically increase, peaking at exposure rate = 500 ... 600 mR / h. A further increase exposure rate (700 ... 1000 mR / h) leads to their reduction. However, fungal sheath thickness, the thickness of parenchyma cortex, and the total thickness of Quercus robur L. mycorrhiza at this exposure rate level are significantly higher than exposure rate control. These data can be explained by the stimulating effect of exposure rate = 120 ... 600 mR / h at the end of the mycorrhizal root of Quercus robur L. or by mycorrhiza adaptation to adverse radioactivity effect. The results of our research can be used for determine the expouse rate level which is, optimal for reforestation works in the radioactively contaminated areas.
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