Н.И. Пальшин, Г.Э. Здоровеннова, Т.В. Ефремова, Р.Э. Здоровеннов, Г.Г. Гавриленко, С.Р. Богданов, С.Ю. Волков, А.Ю. Тержевик.
Поглощение растворенного кислорода верхним слоем донных отложений в малом озере в конце периода ледостава
dissolved oxygen; bottom sediments; absorption of dissolved oxygen; shallow lake; ice-covered period
The results of measurements of dissolved oxygen in the vicinity of the water-sediment interface in a small mesotrophic Lake Vendyurskoe (Southern Karelia) at the end of the ice-covered period are reported. The measurements were carried out in April 2008 on 18 slope sites (depths from 2.5 m to 9.3 m), with a predominance of water-saturated silt. The content of dissolved oxygen decreased sharply at the contact with silt. The maximum oxygen gradient reached 9 (mgO2/l)/cm on the silt surface . The rate of oxygen consumption by the sediment was maximal at a depth of 6-8 m. This rate was 1.5 times lower in shallower and deeper areas. The amount of dissolved oxygen absorption by sediments was estimated based on the lake’s bathymetric curve. A comparison of our estimates with the measured dissolved oxygen content in the water column suggests that over 60 % of oxygen reduction is the result of absorption by silt and less than 40 % is due to the destruction of labile organic matter in the water column at the stage of winter stagnation.
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