А.Г. Никифоров.
Факторы контроля комплексных гранатовых руд месторождения "Высота-181"
Keywords: Fennoscandian shield; ore control; industrial minerals; garnet; kyanite; muscovite; staurolite
The need for this study arises from the globally growing demand for integrated assessment of mineral resources, particularly in the cases of co-occurrence of minerals with similar or identical processing characteristics. To ensure reliable and full ore body mapping and discrimination of ore types, especially in areas with intensive metamorphic alteration, it is essential to take into account all ore control factors. The main controls of the complex garnet ore formation in the Vysota-181 deposit were metamorphic processes and metasomatism of acid and base facies. The industrial minerals in the complex ore are garnet, kyanite, staurolite, muscovite. Ore control factors for the Vysota-181 deposit can be arranged into three groups: lithological, petrological, and structural. Of primary importance for ore formation are the protolith composition and metasomatism of acid and base facies. Geometallurgical mapping of the deposit reveals three types of ores: kyanite-staurolite-, muscovite-, and garnet-type. The most characteristic control factors for these ore types were identified in this study. The results of the study can be used to as sess ore occurrences and industrial mineral deposits associated with regional Proterozoic metamorphism and metasomatism in the Fennoscandian shield.
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