Е.А. Боровичев, А.В. Разумовская, О.А. Белкина, Р.П. Обабко.
Новые находки охраняемых видов растений в Мурманской области: Баренцевоморское побережье
Keywords: vascular plants; mosses; liverworts; rare species; Red Data Book; Murmansk Province
The results of surveys for rare and red-listed plant species on the north-eastern coast of the Kola Peninsula at Drozdovka and Ivanovskaya Bays (Barents Sea, Murmansk Region) are presented. Data are provided on newly found locations of red-listed species in the Murmansk Region: two mosses (Buxbaumia aphylla Hedw., Rhabdoweisia fugax (Hedw.) Bruch et al.), four liverworts (Anastrophyllum sphenoloboides R. M. Schust., Haplomitrium hookeri (Sm.) Nees, Metzgeria furcata (L.) Dumort., Prasanthus suecicus (Gottsche) Lindb.), 13 species of vascular plants (Arctanthemum hultenii (A. Love & D. Love) Tzvelev, Arnica fennoskandica Jurtzev & Korobkov, Carex glacialis Mackenz., C. recta Boot., Draba fladnizensis Wulf., D. norvegica Gunn., Gentianopsis dentosa (Rottb.) Ma, Isoetes echinospora Durieu, I. lacustris L., Phippsia algida (Sol.) R. Br., Rhodiola rosea L., Salix nummularia Anderss., Trisetum spicatum (L.) K. Richt.), and 21 other rare plant species. We recommend establishing a regional-level nature monument in the lower reaches of the Drozdovka River, where a high diversity of plants and many rare species were revealed.