А.Н. Громцев, М.С. Левина, Ю.В. Преснухин.
Особо охраняемые природные территории стран и российских регионов Северной Европы: современное состояние и сравнительная оценка
Keywords: protected areas (PAs); protection regime; anthropogenic transformation; PA system
Data are presented on the number and spatial coverage of various categories of protected areas (PAs) in Norway, Sweden, Finland and six regions in the European North of Russia (Murmansk, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda Regions, Republic of Karelia and Komi Republic). The specific features of their geographic distribution and protection regimes are described. The conclusion drawn from a comparative assessment of the PA systems is that the Russian territories in question stand out quite advantageously against the neighbor countries. Even if only part of protective forests is included, the share of PAs here by far exceeds the target (17 %) set at the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Nagoya, Japan, 2010). We argue that the spatial scope (% of total territory) of protected areas and sites cannot be universal for all countries and even regions. The main determinant is the scope of anthropogenic transformation and, hence, the degree to which the natural condition of the ecosystems has been preserved. National and regional PA systems should be built upon the principle of landscape representativeness. Of primary importance in the analysis of the situation is assessment of the adequacy of PAs for conserving the natural environment to secure the survival of the biota – species and populations, first of all red-listed ones and the onesmost vulnerable to human impact.