Д.М. Безматерных, О.Н. Вдовина.
Изученность макрозообентоса озер юга Обь-Иртышского междуречья
Keywords: macrozoobenthos; lakes; state of knowledge; southern Ob-Irtysh interfluve
The paper presents a review of macrozoobenthos studies for lakes of the southern Ob-Irtysh interfluve (Western Siberia). Major periods of benthos studies differing in the content and goals were identified as 1) pre-revolutionary, 2) Soviet (pre-war), 3) post-war, and 4) post-Soviet periods. Studies of benthic invertebrates in this region were mainly focused on the detection of the taxonomic diversity, quantitative parameters and conditions of benthic communities formation under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. The objectives of the zoobenthos research have been gradually expanding over its almost century-long history (from fodder reserves evaluation to investigation of the pe culiarities of benthic communities functioning). The coverage oflakemacrozoobenthosby studies was considered for different natural zones and lake districts in the southern Ob-Irtysh interfluve: the steppe zone (Altai-Kulunda lake district) and the forest-steppe zone (Chany-Baraba and Karasuk districts; lakes in pine forests of the Altai Krai). Despite the long-term and numerous investigations, the data on zoobenthos composition, structure and functioning in lakes of the southern Ob-Irtysh interfluve are rather inhomogenous and often fragmentary. Some large water bodies and lakes that are located in river valleys in ancient dells and are important for fisheries are the best studied, while data on zoobenthos in medium-size and small lakes are often scant. Currently, much attention is given to the factors of zoobenthos formation and its zonal distribution. The research on regularities of benthic communities formation remains topical because of climatic peculiarities and changes in the water level of lakes in the southern Ob-Irtysh interfluve.
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