È.Ñ. Òðèôîíîâà.
Ê èñòîðèè ëèìíîëîãèè â Ðîññèè
Keywords: limnology; lakes; history of science; founders
The article gives an overview of the history of limnology - science about lakes, in Russia since the early 19th to the mid-20th century. Some biographical details about great scientists who have founded Russian limnology, information about the biological research stations that have played a major role in the education of limnologists and the establishment of the main fields of limnology in Russia are provided. A retrospective of the evolution of limnology from the first geographical descriptions of lakes, hydrographic and morphometric measurements, studies of the fauna and flora of individual lakes to integrated surveys comprising hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological observations is given. Limnology has been developing from the understanding of the unity and interaction of a lake and its catchment to studies of the production and balance dimensions of organic matter cycles. The history of G. Yu. Vereshchagin's limnological school and establishment of the Limnology Laboratory, later transformed into the Institute of Limnology of the USSR Academy of Sciences is related.
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