Хумала А.Э.
Изученность перепончатокрылых насекомых (Insecta, Hymenoptera) Карелии
// Биогеография Карелии (флора и фауна таежных экосистем). Труды КарНЦ РАН. Выпуск 4. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2003. C. 152-159
Humala, A.E. State-of-the-art in hymenopteran (Insecta, Hymenoptera) studies in Karelia // Biogeography of Karelia (flora and fauna of boreal ecosystems). Proc. of Karelian Research Centre RAS. Petrozavodsk, 2003. Pp. 152-159
Some data on the fauna of Hymenoptera - the largest insect order in Karelia are given. 2332 species of hymenopterous insects belonging to 59 families are reported for the Karelian territory, resulting from treatment of literature sources and own collections. About a half of known species are representatives of ichneumon-flies. The species composition of hymenoptcrans is best known in the provinces Karelia ladogensis and Karelia onegensis, whereas eastern provinces are the least studied. The boundaries between biogeographical provinces are briefly discussed.