М.А. Паламарчук, Д.В. Кириллов, Д.А. Косолапов, А.Г. Ширяев, Ю.А. Ребриев.
Виды грибов, рекомендуемые для включения в третье издание Красной книги Республики Коми
Keywords: macromycetes; mycobiota; rare species; protected species; species new for the Komi Republic
This article presents the list of fungal species recommended for inclusion in the new edition of the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic, and information about changes sincethe previous edition. During 2008-2018, we inventoried the mycobiota and the status of the populations of rare species of fungi in previously unexplored areas and received new data on their distribution, ecological and biological features. Based on the results, we can suggest 65 species for protection: 35 of them should be transferred from the previous Red Data Book edition (2009) with the same status, and the 30 new species of macromycetes are Trichoderma nybergianum, Verpa conica, Microstoma protractum, Bovista paludosa, Echinoderma echinaceum, Entoloma incanum, Chrysomphalina chrysophylla, Cuphophyllus cinerellus, Hygrophorus inocybiformis, Phaeocollybia festiva, Baeospora myriadophylla, Clitocybula lignicola, Crinipellis piceae, Tectella patellaris, Pluteus umbrosus, Leucocortinarius bulbiger, Omphaliaster borealis, Ripartites tricholoma, Boletinus asiaticus, B. spectabilis, Suillus acidus, S. americanus, Geastrum pectinatum, Ramaria fennica, R. karstenii, R. rubella, Polyporus umbellatus, Lactarius alpinus, L. brunneoviolaceus, and L. dryadophilus. Six species (Pluteus umbrosus, Leucocortinarius bulbiger, Geastrum pectinatum, Polyporus umbellatus, Ramaria fennica, R. karstenii) are reported for the first time for the region. Four species (Ganoderma lucidum, Polyporus umbellatus, Sarcosoma globosum, Sparassis crispa) are included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2008). We suggest seven species of fungi to be excluded from the new edition of the Red Data Book. Some of them are common in disturbed sites (Gyromitra infula, Lepista nuda and Phaeolepiota aurea). Others should be delisted due to a significant number of new findings in recent years (Ptychoverpa bohemica and Tricholomopsis decora). Two species were misidentified (Macrolepiota procera and Grifola frondosa) and so should also be excluded from the red list.
Indexed at RSCI