А.Г. Борисова.
Оценка гемолитической устойчивости эритроцитов при воздействии дисперсии шунгитового наноуглерода
Keywords: shungite; nanoparticles; hemolys; thermohemolys; osmoresistivity; cell membrane
Graphene and related derivatives have shown a large nanotechnological potential, including biomedical applications, so shungite carbon containing graphene-like nanoscale structures is also of interest to researchers due to its unique properties. Careful study of the properties of shungite nanocarbon is necessary for understanding the circulation of nanomaterial in the internal environment of the body and in the environment. It is proposed to consider shungite carbon as a multilevel structure formed by graphene-like fragments similar in properties to reduced graphene oxide. A study was made of the effect of water dispersion of shungite carbon nanoparticles on human red blood cells in vitro. The osmotic stability of erythrocytes was studied in the presence of shungite nanoparticles, as well as the thermal resistance of erythrocytes. Osmotic resistance of red blood cells under the action of particles of schungite colloid at a concentration of 4.0 - 15 μg/ml decreased slightly, but remained within the normal range. Shungite nanocarbon at a concentration 2.5 - 40 µg/ml did not induced damage to human blood cells during thermohemolysis. Comparison of the results of osmo- and thermal resistance of red blood cells allows us to conclude that the manifestation of the hemolytic activity of nanoparticles of an aqueous dispersion of shungite carbon depends on the temperature of the medium and concentration. It can be assumed that under experimental conditions of thermohemolysis, the adsorption of shungite carbon nanoparticles on the surface of the cell membrane was insufficient to cause significant changes in the cytoarchitectonics of cells, or the oxidation state of graphene fragments is such that it does not entail a change in the permeability of the membrane for ions.
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