Е.Е. Климовская, П.В. Фролов, В.П. Ильина, А.А. Иванов.
Оценка минерально-сырьевого потенциала магнезиальных пород Республики Карелия
Keywords: industrial minerals; deposit; Precambrian; Phanerozoic; magmatism; sedimentary rocks; metamorphism; reserves; resources
The mineral- and raw material potential of the Republic of Karelia as regards high-Mg industrial minerals and rocks has been shaped by the territory’s geological structure and the evolution of geological processes in early stages of the Earth’s crust development n the southeastern part of the Fennoscandian Shield. A majority of deposits and occurrences (olivinite, pyroxenite, serpentinite, kemistites, talc, chrysotile- and anthophylliteasbestos, soapstone, picritic basalts) are found in regions with mafic-ultramafic magmatic rocks of various facies and geodynamic settings, whose formation is associated with Archean and Paleoproterozoic endogenous events within the main structural and compositional complexes. Some deposits and occurrences (dolomites, talc, magnesian riebeckite-asbestos) are associated with dolomites of Paleoproterozoic sedimentaryvolcanogenic strata of the Karelian craton. The article discusses the main formational environments, features of the geological structure and composition of Karelian high-Mg industrial minerals and rocks deposits and occurrences. The areas of their practical appli cation have been determined on the basis of the results of mineralogical and technological studies carried out by the IG KarRC RAS.
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