А.Ю. Доронина, Е.А. Волкова, В.Н. Храмцов, А.А. Белехов.
Новые данные о распространении редких и охраняемых видов сосудистых растений в Санкт-Петербурге
Keywords: vascular plants; protected species; Red Data Book of Saint Petersburg; plant conservation; protected areas
New information is presented about the locations of 19 rare species of vascular plants found by the authors in various parts of Saint Petersburg, mainly in 2017–2019. Two of these
species (Isoëtes echinospora and Dactylorhiza baltica) are listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, and another ten species are listed in the Red Data Book of SaintPetersburg – Alisma gramineum, A. juzepczukii, Nuphar pumila, Persicaria foliosa, P. mitis, Isatis tinctoria, Euphorbia palustris, Viola uliginosa, Chamaepericlymenum suecicum, Gentiana pneumonanthe. Some species (Botrychium multifidum, Corallorhiza trifida, Hammarbya paludosa, Malaxis monophyllos), being not so rare in the Leningrad Region, are
very rare within the city limits due to the limited number of suitable habitats. Most of the plant findings were made within the boundaries of proposed regional-status protected areas located on the northern shore of the Neva Bay, Gulf of Finland. The reported data on protected species add the information contained in the Red Data Book of Saint Petersburg. The locations of rare species on the northern shore of the Neva Bay are indicated in the map.
Indexed at RSCI