И.И. Окулова, И.А. Домский, М.А. Кошурникова.
Влияние "Аркусита" на воспроизводительную функцию красной лисицы (VULPES VULPES L) клеточного разведения
Keywords: arcusite; polygamy; fertility; economic efficiency
Today there are a large number of new types of drugs and biologically active substancies with multifunctional properties of oxidative stress correction, immuno- and stress protection. One of these substancies is "Arcusit" - a drug created on the basis of new generation synthetic antioxidants. Previously it was shown the positive effect of "Arcusit" on the physiological state, natural resistance and increase in live weight of calves and minks. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the "Arkusit" on the reproductive ability of females and males of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) kept in the fur farm ("Vyatka", Kirov region). According to the principle of analog groups, 4 groups of animals were formed: 2 control (females, n = 820; males, n = 164) and 2 experimental (females, n = 776; males, n = 152). During the experiment, all the animals received a common ration; the specimens of the experimental groups were supplemented with the "Arkusit" in 10-day courses with 10-day breaks for 2 months. The dose of the drug was 20 μg per animal (or 3.33 μg / kg of body weight). At the end of the experiment, the reproductive abilities of foxes of both sexes were assessed. Puppies were registered at 2 months of age during deposition from their mothers. The "Arkusit" had a positive effect on the reproduction rates of both females and males of the red fox. A decrease in the number of missed and an increase in the number of safely whelped females, an increase in the safety of living puppies and, as a consequence, an increase in the number of registered puppies per successfully whelped female was established. An increase in the number of working males, their polygamy, an increase in the number of covered and safely whelped females, as well as puppies born to one male, were recorded. The economic efficiency per pedigree female of the red fox was 6580 rubles, which made it possible to obtain additional profit on the yield of red fox puppies by 23%.
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