А.Л. Кулаковский.
Горизонтальные дайки в кристаллическом фундаменте: экранирующий эффект контакта фундамент-чехол
Keywords: basement–cover system; sheetlike intrusions; horizontal dikes; in situ crushing and/or brecciation zones; tectonic caisson effect; standing waves
Issues related to the formation of sheetlike, initially horizontally bedded intrusions of basic, utrabasic and alkaline composition in the contact zone of the crystalline basement and the sedimentary cover are considered. The main patterns in the formation of the sheets, as well as their host subhorizontal in situ crushing and/or brecciation zones in basement granitoids and metamorphites were identified for different regions and different geodynamic settings in the Paleoproterozoic-Paleogene interval. A connection was assumed to exist between the appearance of such crushing and/or brecciation zones and the wave process: the reflection of elastic deformation waves from the interface of two media contrasting in physical and mechanical properties (basement-cover) giving rise to standing waves in the basement, which predetermine the localization of in situ crushing zones during stress relief (tectonic caisson effect).
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