В.М. Козловский, В.В. Травин, Т.Ф. Зингер, Е.Б. Курдюков, М.А. Якушик.
Архейские чарнокит-эндербитовые комплексы Беломорья. Происхождение и условия генерации расплавов
Keywords: granulites; charnockites; enderbites; metamorphic fluid; simulation of metamorphic parameters; Belomorian Mobile Belt
The protolith is reproduced and the parameters of enderbite melt generation are calculated for of the Pon'goma Navolok charnockite−enderbite massif (the best preserved massif of the type in Belomorie). The enderbite melt was derived at P = 12.8−15.8 kbar and T = 1030−1080oC from an amphibolite protolith under the effect of saline H2O−CO2 mantle fluid. The Archean granulite-facies metamorphism of the rocks of the Belomorian Mobile Belt was controlled by heat flux from the charnockite massifs and was thus of contact nature.
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