О.П. Полянский, А.Д. Ножкин, Э.В. Сокол, А.В. Бабичев, А.Н. Семенов.
Псевдотахилиты Главного Анабарского разлома (Анабарский щит): петролого-реологические индикаторы плавления и возраст деформаций
Keywords: pseudotachylites; Anabar shield; deformations; 40Ar / 39Ar age; rheology
The results of the 40Ar/39Ar dating of the vein material of pseudotachylite from the deformation zone of the Main Anabar fault (Northern Yakutia) are presented. The depth of formation of pseudotachyllites is reconstructed using the principles of thermochronology and rheological parameters of deformation. Their 40Ar/39Ar age (1910 ± 24 Ma) is compared with the stages of formation of the main deformation belts of the Anabar Shield. A thermochronological interpretation of the results obtained is given. A method for estimating the depth of deformations and the magnitude of differential stresses is proposed.
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