О.Л. Цандекова, Л.Л. Седельникова.
Содержание аскорбиновой кислоты, танинов и общей золы в листьях декоративных многолетников рода Hosta Tratt. в условиях урбанизированной среды
Keywords: Hosta decorata; Hosta albomarginata; Hosta lancifolia; leaf; ash; tannins; ascorbic acid; urban environment; Novosibirsk region.
In the work carried out a complex of different methods of leaves diagnostics of ornamental perennials of the genus HostaTratt., cultivated in conditions of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden and urban environment of Berdsk and Koltsovo (Novosibirsk region). The cumulative analysis of the biochemical parameters in the studied plants indicates the mutual dependence of these parameters, which in general provides the possibility of their use in landscaping of cities of Novosibirsk region. It was found that the content of ascorbic acid and tannins in the leaves of plants in the urban environment is lower, especially in the city of Berdsk, by 1.1–2.4 times relative to the control, and the level of ash content in the leaves of H. albomarginata, H. lancifolia, H. decorata is 1.4–1.7 times higher than in control samples. The revealed rearrangements in the leaf apparatus of the host allow us to consider them as adaptive and protective reactions aimed at their survival and decorative qualities in the environment.
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