Ю.Ю. Форина.
Зоопланктон некоторых озер бассейна реки Носовой (Юрацкой) (бассейн реки Енисей)
Keywords: zooplankton; biodiversity; feed resources; the Arctic; Krasnoyarsk Krai
The article reports the results of studies of water bodies in the Nosovaya (Yuratskaya) river system belonging to the Yenisei catchment. The taxonomic composition was determined for the first time. There are 35 species of zooplankton, including 10 rotifers, 16 cladocerans and 9 copepods. Cladocera and Copepoda dominated in all the lakes surveyed. The most common species were Daphnia cristata and Bosmina coregoni, Limnocalanus macrurus and Heterocope appendiculata. Comparison of the zooplankton faunas by the Sorensen coefficient revealed the highest species pairwise similarity for lakes Murom-Sigovoe, Lebyazhye-Sigovoye (Chudnoye), Sigovoye-Sigovoye (Chudnoye). Zooplankton feed stocks in lakes Murom, Yuratskoye, Lebyazhye, Bessmennoye, Sigovoye, and Sigovoye (Chudnoye) were estimated. According to zooplankton indicators, the lakes of the Nosovaya River catchment are characterized as poor in feed: average abundance varies from 3.93 to 17.45 thousands ind./m3, biomass – from 0.18 to 0.53 g/m3.
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