Гапонов С.П.
Фауна пухоедов (Mallophaga) птиц Воронежской области. Подотряд Ischnocera
Keywords: пухоеды; Mallophaga; Ischnocera; Воронежская область; эктопаразиты
An inventory of the material collected in 1981-2021 from birds in the Voronezh Region revealed 45 chewing-lice species from 20 genera belonging to two families of the suborder Ischnocera. Twenty-two species of Ischnocera were detected in the region for the first time: Brueelia cyclothorax (Burmeister, 1838), B. chrysomytris (Blagoveshtchensky, 1940), B. straminea (Denny, 1842), Philopterus troglodytis Fedorenko, 1986, Ph. turdi (Denny, 1842), Ph. atratus (Nitzsch, 1818), Ph. excisus (Nitzsch, 1818), Ph. ocellatus (Scopoli, 1763), Cuclotogaster heterogrammicus (Nitzsch, 1866), Cummingsiella aurea Hopkins, 1949, Rhynonirmus helvolus (Burmeister, 1838), Penenirmus auritus (Scopoli, 1763), Capraiella subcuspidata (Burmeister, 1838), Degeeriella regalis (Giebel, 1866), Columbicola claviformis (Denny, 1842), C. bacillus (Giebel, 1866), Strigiphilus cursor (Burmeister, 1838), Coloceras liviae (Tendeiro, 1974), C. bidentatus (Scopoli, 1763), C. drosti Eichler, 1950, Campanulotes compar (Burmeister, 1838), Goniocotes microthorax (Stephens, 1829). Besides typical hosts, some species of chewing lice were found on occasional ones (B. borini - on house sparrow and Eurasian tree sparrow, B. varia - on rook, C. uncinosus - on western jackdaw, Ph. montani - on house sparrow, C. unicinosus - on hooded crow and western jackdaw). Associations of some bird species with occasional chewing lice species were usually observed in urban environments with a high abundance and concentration of hosts. Together with previously listed species of the suborder Amblycera and mammal-parasitic Ischnocera, the total checklist of chewing lice of the Voronezh Region currently comprises 80 species from 35 genera.
Indexed at RSCI