Новикова Ю.С., Рязанцев П.А., Дворников Ю.А., Двоеглазова Н.В., Толстиков А.В., Игнатьева М.Н.
Определение структуры ледяного покрова и параметров донных отложений озера Имандра методом георадиолокации
Keywords: lake Imandra; ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey; CTD-measuring; ice characteristics; sediment parameters
As part of the 2nd practice school for polar limnologists in Apatity, at the research station "Tietta" of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, participants obtained basic ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey skills to solve limnology problems. GPR survey was carried out on the ice-covered Imandra Lake to study parameters of ice and bottom sediments in spatial section. Performing manual measurements and georadar surveys of ice determined the snow-cover thickness, white and crystalline ice layers. As a result of the GPR survey, the bottom morphology and depth of lithological boundaries were determined. The reliability of the depth determination was confirmed by CTD-measuring.
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